jslice - developed by Paul L Daniels (C) 2000
Welcome to jslice
- I am looking for people to help develop a GUI for Jslice, preferably in GTK
If you feel you can help, contact me here at pldaniels@pldaniels.com
- NEWS - 21/10/2000 - jslice v1.1.0 (development) released.
Jslice now can work on any file format supported by ImageMagick including PNG and JPEG.
- 12/07/2000 - jslice v1.0.0 stable released (v0.1.3 reversioned).
- 28/06/2000 - jslice v0.1.3 released, check the
changes file here.
- jslice has been written to assist in the development
of graphic intensive WWW pages, requring a single large JPEG/PNG image to be
broken down into slices and placed into a table in order to facilitate
the activation of various parts of the image, either as Javascript items
or hyperlinks.
So, what do I need to use it?
Okay, now read the README file and the INSTALL
So, now I have it installed, what next?
- To use jslice, you need the following items...
- a jpeg splash picture
- a list of coordinates of all your slices and links
run the jslice program...
jslice -i splash.jpg -p splash -c splash.slices -q 80 > splash.html
You will now have one new jpeg file per slice that you
specified, with a filename prefix of "splash", ie splash001.jpg.
Your HTML code will be stored in splash.html, you should be
able to view the splash.html file from your browser and see
that in fact the picture looks "whole". Viewing the HTML source
code will reveal the reality of course that the picture is
really a collection of smaller slices.
Well, that's all nice and stuff, but can you show an example of a
page which has been "jsliced"
Wow! this is brilliant, how can I thank you!
- This software is licenced under GPL, but if you want to send me
millions of dollars, then sure thing, just email me at pldaniels@pldaniels.com
Bleah! this sucked... nothing like what I wanted...
In its current for jslice is exceptionally ALPHA code, I make no
promises that it'll work on your system, nor will I promise that it will
produce HTML tables/pages as you so wish.... in fact, I make no promises
what so ever.
