Welcome to the PLDaniels Bounty Page.

If you're the sort of person who likes to get payment for work done, without trying to blow smoke up someone's rear or filling out endless time wasting forms, then being a bounty hunter may be for you.

No denying, there are risks!

If you're prone to suffering sour-grapes events then this line of work will not be for you; but if you're the sort of person who likes to do a job, wipe your hands of it, and move on, then you might have the right mindset.

Too many times we see great promises of "Just apply and we'll give you money" being thrown around the internet, and it seems like a real chance to get paid for your work but soon your find that either it rubs you up the wrong way or the promises fall flat or you feel like there's forever strings attached.

I try to make it simple for everyone involved. I'll post tasks/wants along with the bounty offered; if you can deliver the goods you'll get paid.

As always, there's going to be some constraints, and those will be listed in the bounty;

NameMacbook CD3215 left/right independent split functionality
Bounty$500 USD
RequirementsUSB-C Macbooks with 4 ports (2 left, 2 right) have an annoying issue that if any single CD3215 is faulty the entire board fails to work. In an effort to reduce the time required to diagnose and reduce wastage of CD3215s during the process it would be advantageous to be able to isolate the left from the right side of the board, as such if one CD3215 is faulty on the left side, after isolation you should still be able to boot/run the machine from the right side only.
  • Should require only modification/removal/shorting of parts on the board as much as possible
  • At the most, a solution requiring a small simple daughterboard with a lightweight uC such as an ATTiny212 or similar (perhaps to simulate or monitor i2c acitivity to the T2/SMC)
  • Modification does not need to be permanent

NameAllegro binary Board (BRD) File Format partial specification + implementation
Bounty$1,000 USD
RequirementsThe Allegro binary board file format has long been a file format that boardviews are offered in from various online boardview/schematic stores but it's one that thus far cannot be decoded/displayed by the likes of OpenBoardView. The bounty is payable on the delivery of the file format specification and working decoding program that can provide at the very least the following data from the file;
  • Pins with associated part, board side, network name and position data
  • Board outline
Additionally it'd be nice to also have available the following;
  • Pad outlines
  • Part outlines
  • Part data such as manufacturer, value, package

The decoding program must be written in plain C or C++'ified C, able to be compiled using gcc/clang on linux or windows with mingw and accept the Allegro binary BRD file as an input from the command line and generate the pin / net / part data as plain text output dump. It is preferrable if the program does not require external libraries unless specifically required (ie, zip, openSSL etc).

Use of libraries such as Boost or GPL licenced code are not permitted.

  • I get to inspect the work in full before awarding the bounty. Remember, ownership doesn't transfer until payment, so you can still protect the work done from theft.
  • No one else, or entity, has legal claim over the submitted work
  • Ownership and licence rights of the work will be transferred to P.L.Daniels
  • No use of GPL code and/or other similarly styled licencing that limits code use freedom
  • Payment will be made via PayPal as a business transaction ( not family/friends )
  • You're trusting that we will uphold our side of the bounty