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Recent Updates
- March 23, 2025: 5.0682
- FEATURE: Added next/prev keys for OBData diagnostic sequencing. Defaults to ] and [
- FEATURE: Added fast-select pin list for a given net in the sidebar under the selected net header. Feature lists all the pins (and parts) associated with the selected network. This is a rework & improvement of what was trying to be done previously with the per-part expanded listing.
- UI: Fix broken context menu on free version
- UI: Fix inability to use ctrl-O to open a board before a board was loaded prior
- UI: Add missing halo-dot and part fill in single-side minimap view
- File format BVR3: Fix pin-through/DIP pin specification export ( and import )
- File format TVW: Fixed missing testpads
- Backend: Converted all FP types to same type (float)
- Backend: Optimise rendering engine
- March 16, 2025: 5.0662
- Themes: Retro BV theme added, old style look with FlexBV advanced features
- UI: Rewriting of almost all dialogs to new bordered table style
- UI: Ability to copy fields to clipboard by clicking on them for part name, net name
- UI: Clicking on lower-right filename opens folder of file location
- UI: Jobs database folder accessible via Jobs->Open Jobs DB Folder
- Netweb: Netweb improvements for both main and minimap
- Netweb: Fix netweb to ensure focus on testpoints as priority
- File Formats: More data extracted out of ASUS FZ for part names/types
- March 3, 2025: 5.0624
- UI: Added all GND|NC pin parts to types that can be hidden (heatsinks, shields etc)
- UI: Fix inverted netweb
- UI: Fix missing netweb on net search in some situations
- UI: Improve part-hover selection algorithm
- UI: Fix invocation of explorer for theme and log folders on Windows
- FileFormats: Refactoring of core file format code (BRDSide, BRDMountType, BRDOutlineType)
- Feb 27, 2025: 5.0610
- Updates: Fix update system to properly attempt 3 times
- Logging: Fix crashlogs submission system
- UI: Fix missing GND pads/drills in TVW ( were marked as NC )
- UI: Fix Free version "version number" issue (-1)
- UI: Add case-insensitive filters for board formats in NFD-extended picker
- UI: Fix missing pin number when OBData turned off
- UI: Fix inability to select part by hovering non-pin area if it was pin-through/both-sides
- UI: Add associated part theme elements, parts that are connected to the currently selected net/pin but not the currently selected part
- FileFormat: Make changes to GR format parsing to add x-y flipping and outline adjustment
- Feb 19, 2025: 5.0598
- Diagnostics: Added folder-open facility for examining logs and themes
- Diagnostics: Changed log system to now use %data%/logs/PID.log format
- Diganostics: Detect logs from crashed instances and offer to send them in for analysis with associated BV
- Rendering: Fix outline bug
- Control: Fix rotate-on-mouse-point displacement offset
- Feb 13, 2025: 5.0585
- Fix issue with part find feature that would crash on some special symlinks due to uncaught exception.
- Added multiple-attempts for downloading latest package rather than exiting after initial failure.
- More build cleanups / warning-messages
- Feb 12, 2025: 5.0575
- Automagic xzzpcb board splitting to provide proper top/bottom siding
- xzzpcb splitting on/off setting added to settings
- Discord link added to Help menu for online support / general talk
- Many small bugs squashed
- Feb 6, 2025: 5.0565
- Added options to control all-NC/GND part-hiding in Settings
- Updated online manual with new features/settings
- Update button in bottom-left has 'Update' text added for clarity
- Feb 5, 2025: 5.0559
- Migrated to NativeFileDialog-Extended for file picker. Non-boardview files will now be masked out from the file list making it easier to select the correct files.
- Added heuristic filtering to move annoying non-components to hidden status such as heatsinks and brackets which can often obscure the boardview
- Hidden item visibility and active-status can now be toggled by 3-state eye icon on menu bar. Hovering on eye icon will provide details if any parts have been hidden
- Increased update facility timeout limit to permit for slower connections
- Feb 4, 2025: 5.0545
- Compensate for "XY HTML" export issues with pad placements causing ugly overlaps and incorrect rendering
- Work around "XY HTML" degenerate GenCAD export with pin:pad:padstack 1:1:1 ratio generation which caused in O(N3) load time
- Bring part type/package data across from GenCAD to MfgData in pin/part display
- Fixed Windows UTF8/WCHAR command line parameter support without requiring UTF8-beta enabled in Windows settings
- Jan 29, 2025: 5.0535
- Integrated update facility added for Windows and Linux versions ( macOS is going to require more time to work out signing )
- Changed font from Roboto to NotoSC in order to support Chinese characters ( common for many boards/filenames )
- Fixed pad-popout issues with some parts where a large round pad was specified among many other smaller pads (ie, MOSFET with trunked tab)
- Slight optimisation in CPU consumption through improved calculation caching
- CAE file format support added
- Decoded & uncompressed FZ support reinstated
- Reorganised hover-over tooltip details for pin/parts (Misc / Meta)
- Jan 18, 2025: 5.0514
Mostly improvements to the sidebar UI/UX in this release along with trying to streamline the apperance of many smaller items in the system. If you have any issues with the UI/UX please report them as tersely / simply as possible and preferrably a single issue at a time unless you believe they're specifically related to a bug; this style of reporting means that there's less chance of missing things that might need addressing due to swamping.
- Filename in status/title is now cropped to just the basic filename ( hover-over to show full path)
- Clipboard contents shown in status bar
- Currently selected pin/part in status bar
- Position in status bar
- Pins on selected network shown in the sidebar and if the part has a lot of pins then the 'hits' are summarised at the top of the part table
- Hovering over a part on the board, or hovering a pin/part in the side bar shows it in the minimap
- Hovering over part on the board will highlight matching table in sidebar if relevant
- Hovering over pin row in side bar will highlight pin on board
- Hovering over pin on board will highlight sidebar pin row if relevant
- User manual updated
- User manual accessible via Help->Online manual
- New version indication will appear in bottom-left corner as active link to download page
- Dec 28, 2024: 5.0479
- Fix zoom-crash bug caused by unclipped via/drills
- Dec 23, 2024: 5.0474
- Rendering improvements with holes/vias/pads on xzzpcb format
- Nov 29, 2024: 5.0454
- XZZ PCB support now implemented (beta)
- More features to be added over time
- Nov 6, 2024: 5.0436
- FEATURE: MiniMap added. Check preferences and color preferences for configurable options
- Zoom-in crash fix with truly obscure fault
- macOS search combo disparity between BV and schem viewer fixed
- Oct 12, 2024: 5.0388
- ImGui updated to v1.91.3 which will now report UI issues/clashes
- Ghostmark/cursor reinstated with new user-adjustable parameters
- "Zoom Ring" feature added which creates a visual indication of the location of a part that has been selected via PDF or Infopanel search
- Board rotation centering fixed ( previously if you rotated it only rotated by the secondary board cursor position )
- Automatic board rotation on load to butterfly across the long board edges
- Fix issue of tooltips persisting when cursor moved over to Infopanel
- Network search results prioritise nucleating/spawning from a testpoint for the netweb display
- Aug 21, 2024: 5.0373
- ImGui upgraded to 1.91.0
- Fixed obscure crash caused when scrolling in context menu for test pad
- Fixed keyboard mapping configuration
- Refreshed context menu layout (hopefully clearer)
- Stopped imgui.ini files being saved to disk
- Logging now moved all to flexbv.log in $USERDIR type path
- July 30, 2024: 5.0360 ImGui upgraded to 1.90.9. Compensated for some non-sequenced GenCAD pad generations (KiCAD). Improved FZ pad naming/indexing on some files. Fixed BGA pad ordering index
- April 27, 2024: 5.0345 Fixed Teboview decoder crash on some rare files. Upgraded ImGui to 1.90.5
- Mar 23, 2024: 5.0339 Fixed lack of hover sensitivity near top/bottom edges of board
- Mar 20, 2024: 5.0338 Fixed issue with FlexBV not sleeping/idling causing high CPU demand
- Mar 20, 2024: 5.0337 Fixed obscure FZ decode bug. Improving font management (still). Improving Preferences section.
- Mar 17, 2024: 5.0329 SVG and BVR3 Export added (File->Export). Improved font memory consumption and performance penalties. Resolved some rare crashes on board loads
- Feb 22, 2024: 5.0315 Fix crash on zoom with some boards. Fixed empty-path issue with schematic part find
- Feb 17, 2024: 5.0311 Removal of unused keybindings. Moved grid feature to be off by default ( turn off using Preferences->Grid / Overlay -> Grid)
- Feb 13, 2024: Online manual for FlexBV5 now available here
- Feb 10, 2024: 5.0305 OBData parsing issue with some locales fixed (if you get 0.000 for values). Added version-check facility ( can be disabled in Help->About )
- Jan 30, 2024: 5.0293 Mirror issue resolved. Grid, Origin and Side display added. Board Image feature restored and fixed
- Jan 30, 2024: 5.0280 Missing OBData edit option restored
- Jan 28, 2024: 5.0279 Annotations and JobItem fixes
- Dec 9, 2023: 5.0259 Small crash with TVW pdf search fixed
- Dec 7, 2023: 5.0258 Rather severe crash issue fixed
- Dec 5, 2023: 5.0257 Teboview silkscreen layer added for non-free versions. General improvements
- Nov 21, 2023: 5.0247 Teboview custom pad orientation fix. Package outlines still need to be worked on.
- Nov 20, 2023: 5.0245 Teboview decoding support added (please email any board files that fail)
- Oct 27, 2023: 5.0217 Fixed issues causing crashing on some systems
- Sept 1, 2023: 5.0192 Fixed issue with OBData diagnosis/repair guides being partially broken
FREE Edition: Need a free edition and can live without the extra features?
- Does not expire
- If you don't need the schematic coupling or any of the other extra features but you want something that's more recent than existing free products, there's now a free edition of FlexBV.
- No time limit, no subscription, same great core engine that is used for the paid & licenced edition of FlexBV
- All the same file formats supported and even has OpenBoardData support built right in including diagnostic guides
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